Thursday, August 1, 2019
Mr. Mallard’s Story of an Hour Essay
Experimental procedures where destined to be made about the emotion filled story, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†by Kate Chopin. The story details Mrs. Mallard’s situation about how she feels about her husband and the result when she finds that he is not dead. Kate Chopin does a great job telling the reader Mrs. Mallard’s feeling’s, but not at all tells the reader about Mr. Mallard’s point of view. I will be creating a point of view for Mr. Mallard to try and get a better understanding of what could have been the situation between the two. Since the very day I laid eyes on her, I knew she was the one for me. Her beautiful smile and her ecstatic personality made me come to realize that, I had to claim what was spiritually mine. Her name was Louis, a creative and ambitious young woman. All throughout my days of monitoring her every motion, I gained the courage to grow out of my shy state, and make my approach towards her. So from that point on we started engaging in conversation and growing closer to each other day after day. It seemed as if time had flown by faster than it had ever done before in my life. It came to the point that I loved this woman so much; all of my hard earned money I made from my small job down at the local grocery store in town, I took it upon myself to buy a wedding ring. So then I asked her for her hand in marriage, and ever so joyously she replied with such excitement in her voice, yes! Immediately, tears started rolling down my face and all of my best memories were erased, in storing the special memory that took place that very day. We had a simple but elegant wedding ceremony in the local chapel that she and I were both attending previously. â€Å"Mr. and Mrs. Mallard, I now pronounce you husband and wife. The moment I heard those very words, is when I knew I had accomplished my life goal at being happy. She had gone all around town screaming to her family that she is married now and that she will forever be happy for as long as she lives. I took it that we would always be united as one, and that nothing could ever come between the love we both shared. Several years went past and Louise and I seemed to be doing very well in our marriage. I had given her all of me and it seemed that she had given me all of her as well, but I would get an internal feeling that she was not happy in our marriage. Adding up reasons of why she may be unhappy with how things were going, it just did not seem to add up. It had dawned upon me that maybe she did not want to be with me anymore. Personality wise, she had become the total opposite. Before we got married she was kind, passionate, and had a smile that was golden; then she started to grow silent and mean towards me and others around her. For a while I blamed myself for reasons that seemed to be undeserving, and thought that I mistreated her in some unknown way. Unfortunately, Louise was found to have a very bad heart problem and often times she would blame me for her misfortune. As a caring man I would just accept the blame and try to do anything possible to try to make her forget about the condition and live her life fully. My plan always appeared to not succeed and I grew tired of the mistreatment that I clearly did not deserve. I took matters into my own hands and came up with a plan that would determine just how much she felt about me. I came across the daily paper and read about a local railroad disaster that left a number of people dead and injured. My good friend Richards was the side kick in the situation, I had him tell Louise’s sister, Josephine, that my name was on the death list and that she should tell Louise immediately. After receiving notice that my plan was fulfilled, I began to observe Louise’s reactions towards the situation. I hid in the main bedroom closet in a secret passage way that I created for emergency situations years ago. I heard Louise come in crying and sobbing about the news, I became excited that she was crying over my so called death and I felt that she did still love me very much. Hours went past and I became comfortable with the results that I got in my little experiment, but little did I know, Louise became happy with my death and stated that she was â€Å"free†numerous times to herself really loud and joyously. Very confused I asked myself how she switched feelings so quickly and how could she be happy about the situation. She would talk to herself very in-depth about how her life is now that she is independent and fantasizing about all of the days and years to herself that she wanted for so long. I felt so crushed inside because I had given her any and everything that she could possibly want. I took care of her when she was sick, made all of her wishes come true, and took it upon myself to do anything to make her smile. Why she would treat me this way, I asked myself over and over until I became fed up with it. When Louise went to the bathroom I snuck over to Richards’s house and told him what all I found out about and wanted to give her the news that I was not dead. Richards and I walked over back to the house to tell Louise that I was mistakenly put on the death list, and that I was indeed very much alive. I waited outside and let Richards go in the house first to make the plan free of suspicion and got ready to make my approach inside. Boom Boom! My heart was beating very loudly as I was nervous to go inside. I opened the door and Josephine is first to see me; she screams very loudly in shock of my appearance. Richards tries very hard to prevent Louise from seeing me, but was too late in the action. Louise dropped to the floor immediately and had no sign of life in her. I ran to her to see if she was ok holding her very tight, screaming for someone to call the doctor. The doctor arrived within twenty minutes, after only observing her for five minutes he pronounced her dead due to a heart attack. Tears ran down my face as if someone had poured a bucket of water on my head. I began to feel guilty for her death thinking maybe she would still be alive if I had never made that stupid plan in the first place. Thought maybe if I had known how she really felt, I would have just let her be free from me and live her life happily instead of me standing in her way. I learned a very important lesson that day; things in life should not be taken for granted no matter how much you want it to go your way.
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