Monday, May 25, 2020
Womanist - Alice Walkers Term for Black Feminist
A black feminist or feminist of color, according to Alice Walker, who first publicly used the term; someone who is committed to the wholeness and well-being of all of humanity, male and female. Womanism identifies and critically analyzes sexism, anti-black racism, and their intersection. Womanism recognizes the beauty and strength of embodied black womanhood and seeks connections and solidarity with black men. Womanism identifies and criticizes sexism in the African American community and racism in the feminist community. Origins Alice Walker introduced the word â€Å"womanist†into feminist parlance in her 1983 book In Search of Our Mothers Gardens: Womanist Prose. In the book, she cites the phrase â€Å"acting womanish,†which was said to a child who acted serious, courageous and grown-up rather than girlish. Many women of color in the 1970s had sought to expand the feminism of the Women’s Liberation Movement beyond its concern for the problems of white middle-class women. The adoption of womanist signified an inclusion of race and class issues in feminism. Alice Walker also used womanist to refer to a woman who loves other women, whether platonically or sexually. Walker used examples from history including educator and activist Anna Julia Cooper and abolitionist and womens rights activist Sojourner Truth. She also used examples from current activism and thought, including writers bell hooks and Audre Lorde, as examples of womanists. The term â€Å"womanist†is thus both an alternative to and an expansion of the term â€Å"feminist.†Womanist Theology Womanist theology centers the experience and perspective of black women in research, analysis, and reflection on theology and ethics. The term arose in the 1980s as more African American women entered the theological field and questioned that white feminist and black male theologians spoke adequately to the particular experience of African American women. Womanist theology, like womanism in general, also looks at the ways in which black women are portrayed in inadequate or biased ways in the works of white women and black men. Quotes About Womanism Alice Walker: Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavendar. Angela Davis: â€Å"What can we learn from women like Gertrude Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday that we may not be able to learn from Ida B. Wells, Anna Julia Cooper, and Mary Church Terrell? If we were beginning to appreciate the blasphemies of fictionalized blues womenâ€â€especially their outrageous politics of sexualityâ€â€and the knowledge that might be gleaned from their lives about the possibilities of transforming gender relations within black communities, perhaps we also could benefit from a look at the artistic contributions of the original blues women.†Audre Lorde: But the true feminist deals out of a lesbian consciousness whether or not she ever sleeps with women. Yvonne Aburrow: â€Å"The patriarchal/kyriarchal/hegemonic culture seeks to regulate and control the bodyâ€â€especially women’s bodies, and especially black women’s bodiesâ€â€because women, especially black women, are constructed as the Other, the site of resistance to the kyriarchy. Because our existence provokes fear of the Other, fear of wildness, fear of sexuality, fear of letting goâ€â€our bodies and our hair (traditionally hair is a source of magical power) must be controlled, groomed, reduced, covered, suppressed.† Womanist Writings: A Selection bell hooks Aint I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism. 1981.Walker. In Search of Our Mothers Gardens: Womanist Prose. 1983.Paula J. Giddings. When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America. 1984.Angela Y. Davis. Blues Legacies and Black Feminism: Gertrude Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, and Billie Holiday. 1998.Barbara Smith. Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology. 1998.Nyasha Junior. An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation. 2015.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The Jewelry, By Guy De Maupassant And O Connor - 913 Words
When contemplating whether a work of literature is worth reading, most readers look at the back cover of the book to read a short summary. Some critics look for tone and interesting plot twists, but the common reader looks for a purpose or lesson. Sure, powerful words and phrases contribute, but without the anticipation that one will gain knowledge from the story, it will be put right back on the bookshelf. Long novels with a back cover have hundreds of pages to reveal themes. However, short stories do not have nearly as much time to display a theme. In Guy de Maupassant’s The Jewelry, the main character, Lantin sees and experiences change through his life after his wife passes away. In Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man is Hard to find, the grandmother’s actions cost an entire family’s life. Both stories contains a similar theme but in different ways. Despite their short time frames, Maupassant and O’Connor both reveal a similar didactic medium- nobody is perfect. Maupassant’s short story begins with a description of a young girl who represents the perfect woman. Her gentle nature and manners attracted all of the men in the story. However, in The Jewelry , he states that â€Å"...she got into the habit of suspending in her pretty ears two big cut pebbles, fashioned in imitation of diamonds... †(Maupassant 52). When first reading this, one would not find these as faults but instead assume that the woman is down to earth for taking such pride in false jewelry. However, when sheShow MoreRelatedA Good Man Is Hard For Find By Flannery O Connor s `` The Necklace `` And ``909 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†â€Å"The Necklace†In today s society we tend to see people live above their means. The reason why I may be picked or even chose. In the short story by author Guy De Maupassant, â€Å"The Necklace†and the story â€Å"Good Man Is Hard to Find†by Flannery O Connor is because both stories have many similarities that we can say that they are combined. The ladies show that they see themselves as important in these stories. These ladies are more concerned of theirRead MoreGuy De Maupassant s `` The Necklace `` And The Story `` Good Man Is Hard901 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†â€Å"The Necklace†In today s society we tend to see people live above their means. The reason why I may be picked or even chose. In the short story by author Guy De Maupassant, â€Å"The Necklace†and the story â€Å"Good Man Is Hard to Find†by Flannery O Connor is because both stories have many similarities that we can say that they are combined but different tragedies. The ladies show that they see themselves as important in these stories. These ladies are more concerned about
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Sarbanes Oxley Act - 1704 Words
Abstract This research paper endeavors to expose how the Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002 might have led to the accountability of holding corporate executives for their actions in the past and also in the future. The paper will examine and explore the genesis of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as well as give details on the act’s relationship to the ethics of the institution and the persons who work and manage the institution. The paper also proceeds to discuss different corporations around the globe that have been endorsed with the Sarbanes- Oxley Act and their subsequent benefits and demerits as opined by different individuals. The paper shall prove to be a relevant tool for any administrator managing a public company. Anyone going through this†¦show more content†¦Such scandals cost businessmen great sums of million dollars when affected companies collapsed in their share prices thus the confidence of the public in the country’s security markets was affected adversely. In July 20 02, when the bill was being passed, there was intense pressure on the Congress to restore people’s belief in the capital markets before elections to the Congress (Act, S, 2002). Some of the new and impressive regulations in the act are as discussed in the proceeding paragraphs. Firstly there have been alterations to the functions of the high-ranking management. The CFO and CEO are affected in various ways by the act. They are now demanded to certify the suitability of disclosures and financial statements in person. The officers must also ensure and prove that the presentation of such documents is fair regarding the operations and financial operations of their firm. According to the act, the CEOs have to append their signatures on federal company revenue returns. The act prohibits individual loans to the high-ranking executives. Any situation requiring the organization to reaffirm its financial status because of property noncompliance with financial reporting prerequisites, calls for the officers to refund the organization for any bonuses. Secondly, there are changes to corporate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Dyersburg City School System Case Study - 1419 Words
The city of Dyersburg, like other municipalities, is continuously changing. The percentages of students’ ethnicity have gradually changed over the years to 48% Caucasian, 43% African American, 6% Hispanic, 2% Asian American, and 1% Native American. However, the staff’s ethnicity is 88% Caucasian, 11% African American, and 1% Hispanic. Dyersburg City School System (DCS) understand that there are benefits but also a definite need for the staff to reflect the student population. DCS recruits the most qualified individuals, as well as, searches for personnel who will compliment the student body. Dyersburg City Schools is fortunate to be the highest paying system in the area; however, there are minimal social attractions in rural West†¦show more content†¦A support committee will consist of teachers, administrators, Central Office personnel and community members. The committee will provide support and encourage the assistants and students through their journey t o become teachers. Dyersburg City Schools will implement the following: The short-term goal of working with the DCS assistants will be complete within the next two years. The assistants will finish classes within the next two years and complete their Praxis testing. The short-term Strategies for the assistants who will be hired: o The school system will reimburse $2,000 that can be placed towards the assistant’s student loans each year for the first five years of successful employment (rehire.) o Title I schools’ teachers receive loan foregiveness – The special ed, high school math, high school science degrees receive a larger amount but all areas receive loan foregiveness. o Assistants will be guaranteed the same number of work hours but they may receive release time to attend classes. The assistant will make-up hours by working ballgames, morning duty, etc. to retain pay and benefits. o Mentoring by a retired Dyersburg City School teacher will be provided to work with the assistants. The mentor will stay in contact weekly with each of the assistants and have a group meeting each
The Tyger Poem Review and Analysis - 668 Words
William Blake, one of the infamous English romantic poets, is most known for his romantic views on conventional scenes and objects, which were presented in his works The Songs of Innocence and The Songs of Experience. The first collection was published in 1789, and addresses subjects such as suffering and death from the innocent and optimistic perspective of a child. The later collection addresses these same issues, but is told from the perspective of an experienced bard. The poems contained in The Songs of Innocence often have a counter part in the second collection that reflects a darker or more corrupted take on the same subject. For example, the purity presented in the creation of â€Å"The Lamb†is dramatically contrasted with its†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Tyger†consists entirely of unanswered questions, which are used to leave the reader in awe of intricacy of creation, the limitless strength of God’s power, and the incomprehensibility of hi s choices. The sense of doubt in this poem involves an acknowledgement of what is unexplainable in the universe, as Blake presents the tiger’s violent nature as the prime example of something that cannot be denied, but can not be easily dismissed, either. The curiosity and awe of the author presented in â€Å"The Tyger†juxtaposes with the easy certainty of a child’s faith â€Å"The Lamb†. Blake asks these rhetorical questions to his readers in hopes encouraging them to question the pure and innocent side of creation they have come to know and join him in trying to understand why God would create something violent and destructive as well as something beautiful and innocent like the lamb. The blacksmith referenced in The Tyger represents a traditional image of artistic creation; here Blake applies it to the divine creation of the natural world. The â€Å"forging†of the tiger suggests a very physical, laborious, and deliberate kind of making; it emphasizes the awesome physical presence of the tiger and precludes the idea that such a creation could have been in any way accidentally or haphazardly produced. It also continuesShow MoreRelated Creating Blakes Tyger Essay3597 Words  | 15 PagesCreating Blake’s â€Å"Tyger†The Eighteenth-century British Romantic, William Blake, was an accomplished painter, engraver, and illustrator during his lifetime, but is best remembered for his poetry. Though Blake’s genius was generally dismissed by the public of his own era and he died with little acclaim, he has since been regarded as one of the greatest figures of the Romantic Movement. Whether with paint or pen, Blake is renowned for his ability to create works of art which, overRead MoreSongs of Good and Evil1545 Words  | 7 Pagespublished his first collections of poems, Poetical Sketches, which Blake wrote over a period of fourteen years (William Blake Biography). In August 1782 Blake married Catherine Boucher, with whom he fell in love at first sight (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Blake taught Catherine to read and write, and she later became his assistant. Blake wrote Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience in 1794. With the help of his wife, Catherine, Blake hand-engraved his poems and paintings on a bronze boardRead MoreThe Lamb and The Tyger by William Blake Essay1758 Words  | 8 Pagesspecific subjects. Two of his poems in particular have been widely critiqued and viewed in various lights. â€Å"The Tyger,†written in 1774, and â€Å"The Lamb,†written five years later in 1789, are considered companion poems due to their similar humanistic topic and stark differences of each other. Through the use of specific titillation and use of rhetorical questioning, Blake sets up an ultimatum between the two poems, creating the illusion that each creature in the poems may have different creators. InRead MoreWilliam Blake And The Divine Image Essay2209 Words  | 9 Pagesworld. His devotion to God expresses through his lyrical poetry collection Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. This collection contains 51 poe ms where the poems of Innocence are counter part of the poems of Experience. ‘The Lamb’, ‘The Divine Image’ and are poems from Songs of Innocence and ‘The Tyger’, ‘The Sick Rose’ and ‘The Human Abstract’ are poems from Songs of Experience. Blake’s poetry can easily be interpreted by the theory of New Criticism that attempts to treat each work as its own
Either Representation Or Contractual Term †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Either Representation Or Contractual Term? Answer: Introducation The statements which are made at the time of negotiation amount either to a representation or to a contractual term. It is essential to understand in the given situation whether the statement made by the salesperson was a representation as that will determine the remedy that would be appropriate. If it is a statement that amounts to a term of contract that has not been fulfilled the party may sue for breach of the contract. If however, the statement made is a mere representation that is no true then an action for misrepresentation can be brought. If the knowledge of the representor is greater than the knowledge of the representee then in that case the statement made would form a contractual term. As in the case of Dick Bentley Productions v Harold Smith Motors wherein the statement with respect to the condition of the car was made by the defendant who was a car trader specializing in the prestige market (Dick Bentley Productions v Harold Smith Motors, 1965). This statement turned out to be not true, the issue that arose was whether this statement formed a term in the contract or was a representation, if then it would be an innocent misrepresentation then due to time lapse there would be no rescinding of right to claim. The court however opined that this statement was a term in the contract since the car dealer had higher expertise and reliance was placed by Mr. Smith on it. Further, in the situation where the representee indicates to the representor the statements importance it would be a term. As in the case of Bannerman v White wherein the court opined that the statement made by the salesperson that the hops had not be treated with sulphur was not a representation but a term of contract as it had been communicated by the claimant the terms importance and reliance had been placed on it (Bannerman v White, 1861). The action for breach of contract was successful. Section 13 of SA provides that the description of the properties and the goods should match. It is not the quality but the the description of the product that this section concerns with (Arcos v Ranaason, 1933). Further section 14(3) states that where it has been informed by the buyer to the seller of requirement of certain qualities then higher standards are placed. The seller under this would be liable even in the situation wherein the safety aspect has been met however, the product is not specific to what was required by the purchaser (National Foods Ltd v Pars Ram Brothers (Pte) Ltd, 2007). Application of Law In the given situation, the statement was made by the salesperson with respect to the specific requirement of Charlie, where the salesman dealing with the item had more knowledge of it as compared to Charlie, that the item was very good and reliance was placed by Charlie on this statement, thus applying the principle established in the Bannermans case and Dick Bentley Productions case the statement made was a term of contract and this had been breached as the equipment did not provide with water that was safe for drinking. Further as per section 13 the description of the product did not correspond with the item, whereas it was stated that the item would provide drinking water however, the same was not true and section 14(3) where Charlie had informed the salesperson that he specifically needed the item for producing drinking water higherClean Aqua Pty Ltd Whether a case can be brought against Clean Aqua Pty Ltd. by Charlie under the strict manufacturer liability in the Australian Consumer Law Rule of Law ACL: Part 2-1: provides that manufacturers are required to prohibit from deceptive or misleading conduct; or unfair practices or likely to deceive or mislead. Section 18 of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) provides that A person must not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive of likely to mislead or deceive. In ACCC v Singtel Optus Pty Ltd (No 4) [2011] FCA 761, wherein for a misleading advertisement with respect to plans of an internet broadband a penalty of $5.26 million was ordered against Optus (ACCC v Singtel Optus Pty Ltd (No 4), 2011). In the case of ACCC v Yellow Page Marketing BV where a penalty of of $1.35 million was ordered for a directory scam against two companies by making representation that was misleading that they had an an affiliation with the Yellow Pages (ACCC v Yellow Page Marketing BV (No 2), 2011). In the case of ACCC v TPG Internet Pty Ltd the court had opined that the message that is dominant is central for assessing as to whether the advertisement led to a conduct that was deceptive or misleading; and the statements that are qualifying which accompany the headline are required to be sufficiently clear and put in prominence so as to avoid misleading the customers (ACCC v TPG Internet Pty Ltd, 2013). However, the users have been given the right under Part 3-5 of the Australian Consumer Law to place direct liability can be placed on the manufacturer in the case wherein damage is caused by a product that is defective. There is required to be a safety defect in the goods meaning thereby that the safety of the product is not what is is acceptable generally. As was opined in the case of Cook v Pasminco that it is a poison that does not do its deadly work that is defective rather than one that does. (Cook v Pasminco, 2000). Application of Law Though in the given scenario there is a possibility of there being a misleading conduct in the manner in which the manufacturer has named and is advertising the product as Clean Aqua that it can lead the purchaser to believe that the water is safe for consumption. However, there is no safety defect in the item and the item is performing the functions that are to be performed by it which has been specifically mentioned by the manufacturers while advertising on the box that it is not suitable for oral consumption. The decision of the High Court in ACCC v TPG Internet Pty Ltd that the dominant message is what is central for assessing as to whether the advertisement led to a conduct that was deceptive or misleading; and the statements that are qualifying which accompany the headline are required to be sufficiently clear and put in prominence so as to avoid misleading the customers. In the given situation the name of the product was the dominant message which was advertised and the warnin g was placed only on the box which could mislead the customer. However, it is only under part 3-5 that users have been given the right to put direct liability on the manufacturer if there is a product defect. The product was not defective as in the case of Cook v Pasminco, it was functioning in the manner it was required to function since it was not manufactured for providing drinking water. The position of Charlie is not as strong in the given situation for an action against the manufacturer. References ACCC v Singtel Optus Pty Ltd (No 4), FCA 761 (2011). ACCC v TPG Internet Pty Ltd, HCA 54 (2013). ACCC v Yellow Page Marketing BV (No 2), FCA 352 (2011). Arcos v Ranaason, AC 470 (1933). Bannerman v White, 10 CBNS 844 (1861). Cook v Pasminco, FCA 677 (2000). Dick Bentley Productions v Harold Smith Motors, 1 WLR 623 (1965). National Foods Ltd v Pars Ram Brothers (Pte) Ltd, 2 SLR 1048 (2007)
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Functions of The Marketing Automation Software †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Automation Software Functions. Answer: Introduction: The essay is a discussion on customer relationship management (CRM) with special focus on Marketing Automation, considered an emerging trend in CRM. The essay commences with a brief overview of marketing automation and goes on to mention its benefits. There is also discussion about the attributes that contributes to the effectiveness of digital marketing operations. The essay gives an insight into the functions of the marketing automation software. There essay also explains how Netflix Australia has undertaken marketing automation. Netflix is an American entertainment company that helps in providing streaming media and online video on demand via mail. Discussion: Marketing Automation refers to the technologies and software platforms designed for supporting marketers and organizations for effectively carrying out marketing on various online channels like email, social media and various websites (Heimbach, Kostyra and Hinz 2015). This also helps in the automation of repetitive task. Marketing Automation is an emerging trend in customer relation management and is used by campaign and marketing managers, market managers and analyst, promotions managers, direct marketing managers and database managers. Marketing Automation platform primarily used for replacing the repetitive manual processes with advanced automated solutions. Marketers nowadays use this platform for planning, coordination, measuring and managing both the offline and online marketing campaigns (Jarvinen and Taiminen 2016). The application of marketing automation ensures implementation of newer processes and efficiency of the existing process. Thus, marketing is a tool that allows designing, execution and automation of a time bound workflow in marketing. Platforms for Marketing Automation allow marketers in simplifying and automating the client communication through the management of complicated Omni channel strategies of marketing by using a single tool (Khodakarami and Chan 2014). The areas in which marketing automation serves as a great help includes segmentation, lead generation, lead nurturing and scoring, relationship marketing, retention and measurement of return on investment. The benefits of Marketing Automation include increase in the marketing efficiency through greater control over the cost and implementation of cost efficient and streamlined processes (Sweezey 2014). This helps any incumbent in efficiently carrying out the process. Marketing automation also ensures greater productivity in marketing through elimination of manual processes where marketers can have increased focus on tasks that requires more stringent monitoring. The platform also helps in increasing responsiveness. The application of the process allows the marketers to respond to opportunities even when it is not a part of their plan. The function of marketing automation enables companies to be a part of real time marketing and instantly respond to identified opportunity. Marketing automation helps in improving the marketing insights through its embedded functionality of analytics and reporting. Improvement in marketing insight primarily takes place in terms of customers, campaigns, eve nts and markets that leads to both enhancements in effectiveness and efficiency (Chaffey, Smith and Smith 2013). The process also ensures enhanced customer experience and customer retention. Marketing automation can help in customer retention and satisfaction through intelligent marketing. This is done by providing the relevant insight into both the prospective and existing customers. The process will help increased number of companies in predicting customer decisions and needs thereby enabling them in acting accordingly with wastage of time. Marketing Automation also leads to improvement in accountability (Powell 2012). The data analytics aspect of marketing automation enables the firms in better judging commercial return from the marketing activities, ensure improved transparency and lead to timely information of management. Marketing automation helps in the availability of complete customer data. The process allows sourcing, capturing and storing customer data in a particular loc ation and allowing real tine analysis and access. The availability of tools allows modeling and visualization of customer data. The five attributes of effective digital marketing operations includes truly understanding the customers, delivering an enhanced and superior experience, selection of the appropriate technology for marketing, implementation of governance and process and making use of the right metrics in driving profit(Miller 2012). Truly understanding the customer refers to the knowing the customers well. This involves tracking, analysis and interpretation of the customer attitudes and behavior that helps in not only shaping and targeting the relevant experiences but determine delivery (Lemon and Verhoef 2016). Feeding such insights into the marketing operation requires quick delivery and analysis in a form that becomes appreciable to the decision makers. Scaling such capabilities requires organizations in automating the processes. Superior delivery experience is necessary for continuation of the customer journey. This requires mapping of every step that define the sole customer experience. This requires implementation of technologies and automating the processes for ensuring a smoother journey. With the emerging trends of customer relationship management, selection of the right marketing technology is of utmost importance. The choice of marketing automation would ensure delivery of Omni channel customer experi ence and thereby bridge the gap between the marketing operations and customer experience. Adoption of technology through the process of marketing automation helps in implementation of governance and processes. Digitalizing marketing operations through the adoption of marketing automation helps in tracking, monitoring and managing the effectiveness of the marketing investments. Thus, the process helps in using the best metrics for driving success. Marketing automation software undertakes the function of marketing campaigns, online and digital marketing along with strategic and other marketing (Lee, Tang and Sugumaran 2014). The marketing campaign ensures campaign management and campaign management through the process of direct mail. It also ensures campaign management via email along with undertaking of trigger marketing, event based marketing and telemarketing. Marketing campaign also ensures optimization of marketing and lead generation. As the name suggests, online and digital marketing, deals with online marketing, keyword marketing, content management, social media marketing, analysis of data and search engine optimization. The Strategic and other marketing function of the marketing automation software ensures integrated marketing management, marketing performance management, marketing the resource management, management of loyalty, partner marketing, customer and market segmentation and selection, asset and document mana gement, lifecycle management of projects, development of workflow and marketing analytics. Netflix has been the biggest online sensations of the world offering a completely new kind of entertainment (, 2018). The company has undertaken marketing automation that has benefited not only the consumers but also the business. Therefore, the things one can learn from Netflix include their capability of learning to use the available data. Marketing automation allows a company to use data to their advantage. Netflix has also made use of such data to not only make recommendations but also use it for producing content as per the preference of the people. The adoption of marketing automation also helps Netflix in being where their customers are and remain completely responsive to the needs if the customers. This is done by embracing mobile, social and digital technology. Thus, Netflix have a stronger presence in social media that is also the platform for the largest target market of the company. Marketing automation has also taught Netflix to overcome stagnancy (Stahlberg a nd Maila 2013). The company has been in business for a longer period of time and the reason for it being the presence of the open-ended system. The important aspect of Netflix lies in the fact that the company is not only proactive but also adopts constant change to include the preferences of the people. Conclusion: The essay ends with a discussion on Netflix viewed in terms of the Marketing Automation. The success of Netflix has led many company executives to reexamine its business model and henceforth shift towards a model that focused on live streaming of movies and television. The essay also discusses about the functions of the marketing automations software along with a focus on the attributes that result in digital marketing operations. Marketing automation make life easier, help in scaling the personal touch into the company and help the business to grow faster. Marketing is an essential portion of the business and marketing automation is such a tool that helps effective business growth by helping them to grow in terms of strength. References: Chaffey, D., Smith, P.R. and Smith, P.R., 2013.eMarketing eXcellence: Planning and optimizing your digital marketing. Routledge. Heimbach, I., Kostyra, D.S. and Hinz, O., 2015. Marketing automation.Business Information Systems Engineering,57(2), pp.129-133. Jrvinen, J. and Taiminen, H., 2016. Harnessing marketing automation for B2B content marketing.Industrial Marketing Management,54, pp.164-175. Khodakarami, F. and Chan, Y.E., 2014. Exploring the role of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in customer knowledge creation.Information Management,51(1), pp.27-42. Lee, Y.C., Tang, N.H. and Sugumaran, V., 2014. Open source CRM software selection using the analytic hierarchy process.Information systems management,31(1), pp.2-20. Lemon, K.N. and Verhoef, P.C., 2016. Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey.Journal of Marketing,80(6), pp.69-96. Miller, M., 2012.B2B digital marketing: Using the web to market directly to businesses. Que Publishing. (2018).Netflix United Kingdom Watch TV Programmes Online, Watch Films Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2018]. Powell, G.R., 2012.Marketing calculator: Measuring and managing return on marketing investment. John Wiley Sons. Sthlberg, M. and Maila, V., 2013.Multichannel Marketing Ecosystems: Creating Connected Customer Experiences. Kogan Page Publishers. Stone, M.D. and Woodcock, N.D., 2014. Interactive, direct and digital marketing: A future that depends on better use of business intelligence.Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing,8(1), pp.4-17. Sweezey, M., 2014.Marketing automation for dummies. John Wiley Sons.
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