Friday, December 27, 2019
Essay about William Shakespeares Sonnet 18 - 924 Words
Keeping love alive is not easy. One knows that life eventually comes to an end, but does love? Time passes and days must end. It is in Sonnet 18, by Shakespeare, that we see a challenge to the idea that love is finite. Shakespeare shows us how some love is eternal and will live on forever in comparison to a beautiful summers day. Shakespeare has a way of keeping love alive in Sonnet 18, and he uses a variety of techniques to demonstrate how love is more brilliant and everlasting than a summers day. The first technique Shakespeare uses to demonstrate everlasting love is to ask the question Shall I compare thee to a summers day? (1) This leads the reader to consider other questions. Is love as bright and beautiful as a summers†¦show more content†¦Love lasts longer and Shakespeare again uses imagery to demonstrate this in line four: And summers lease hath all too short a date. The speaker believes that the love he feels is not leased for a limited time. Shakespeare emphasizes with imagery that the speakers love is eternal: But thy eternal summer shall not fade. This line of the sonnet also indicates the turn. It gives a similarity towards nature and love. Though with the summer only occupying a short term of time this reinforces that love is even more eternal and everlasting. During the summer the sun shines hot above us all. Shakespeare uses the technique of a metaphor in line five and six: Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, / And often is his gold complexion dimmed. This attributing of human qualities to nature shows Shakespeares use of metaphors as a form of personification. It creates the image that everything in the summers season eventually loses its beauty and begins to decay. As glorious as this sun kissed glow may feel and as long as we wish to be blessed, the clouds in the sky move over the sun, shading everything under it. This shade tends to hide the summers beauty. The speaker believes that the beauty of the person he admires is superior the shaded summer day. All the fairness of the summer becomes dark and dreary, similar to what becomes of the end of summer. It is only a season that changes with beauty that comes and goes with time. LoveShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser771 Words  | 4 Pagesworks of William Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser it is clear that some similarities are apparent, however the two poets encompass different writing styles, as well as different topics that relate to each other in their own unique ways. In Shakespeare’s â€Å"Sonnet 18†and Spenser’s â€Å"Sonnet 75†, both poets speak of love in terms of feelings and actions by using different expressive views, allowing the similar topics to contain clear distinctions. Although Edmund Spenser’s â€Å"Sonnet 75†and William Shakespeare’sRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Sonnet 18 And 130900 Words  | 4 Pages(Line 1). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Role of Communication in Effective Leadership - 531 Words
Leaders are made not born. As quoted by John Maxwell â€Å"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way†. A leader is person from whom people can imbibe some qualities and somebody who can give guidance or show correct direction to others. As a leader the person should have the skills to motivate people. Leadership is reflection of once inner self, than of what is projected outside. They should be far sighted and be able to take initiative and make good decisions instantly. They need to possess the quality of striving back at work with full dedication, confidence even if they have faced multiple failures or bottle necks in their path. Also they have to be honest and realistic in their opinions and should not show any discrimination. The most important quality of a good leader are Communication, Optimistic and Self-discipline. Communication plays a vital role and is significant quality to be possessed by an effective leader. They should be able to connect with his team and deliver the thoughts effectively. Through good communication skills a leader would be able to avoid confusions and misunderstandings within the team. A team will be motivated and inspired to take up tasks and challenges proactively and perform better, if they are lead by a leader who can manage without any language barriers. Work can be assigned fairly and the desired outcome can be churned out of the team with a dynamic leader. For instance, the recent elections in India which garneredShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Effective Leadership And Effective Communication1192 Words  | 5 PagesImproving health care organization means changing ineffective management into effective systems that are patient-centered, cost-effective, and so forth. This requires culture change, and the first change will be with leaders throughout the organization. Effective leadership is essential to the success of every organization. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Describe and evaluate explanations of insomnia free essay sample
Insomnia is a state where an individual experiences difficulties with their sleep. There are 5 types of insomnia; long term, short term, trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep and waking up too early. Short term insomnia usually lasts a few days or weeks, it tends to be caused by immediate worries such as exams, deaths, noise, jet lag or temporary medical conditions such as colds. Long term (chronic) insomnia is experiencing sleep difficulties which last for more than 4 weeks. There is primary and secondary chronic insomnia. Primary chronic insomnia refers to problems with sleeping which do not have a direct cause – such as health or physical. It can be simply be due to developing and getting used to bad sleeping habits. Secondary chronic insomnia is where sleeping problems have an underlined cause, such as medical, physical or environmental, e. g. depression or heart disease. It is typical to be experienced by people who have shift work, as their circadian rhythm is not used to a sleeping pattern therefore the individual may have difficulties falling asleep. We will write a custom essay sample on Describe and evaluate explanations of insomnia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Older people also tend to experience insomnia due to discomfort when sleeping. They tend to spend less time in deep sleep (SWS) therefore can be woken up easily during sleep. Teenagers also suffer from secondary chronic insomnia due to experiencing phase delay, where they tend to go to sleep later. One explanation of insomnia is depression. DSM showed that insomnia is a symptom of depression. Research has showed that it is very important to diagnose if the individual is suffering from another condition, such as depression. This is because in order to treat insomnia, the underlining cause should be treated first, as it is unhelpful to treat the symptom but not the cause. However, this is not as simple. Insomnia and depression correlate, therefore it is difficult to say if insomnia is caused by depression or if depression is caused by insomnia. Chronic primary insomnia is developed by short term insomnia. Short term insomnia tends to last less than 4 weeks, however, when the individual gets used to bad sleeping habits, their expectations of insomnia will move onto developing chronic primary insomnia. Storms and Nisbett used this to develop a ‘reverse placebo effect’. They found that individuals suffering from insomnia went to bed earlier when they took the placebo pill, believing it is an arousal pill, than usual nights. They fit themselves in with the arousal pills rather than insomnia, relaxing and letting themselves fall asleep. This supports the argument that individuals expectations on bad sleep can lead to insomnia, and a further belief will lead to chronic primary insomnia. There are studies which link sleeping habits and exercise. Baron looked at women between the ages of 57-70, focusing on exercise and their sleep diaries. Tracing monitor used to see how long to fall asleep when woke up. After 6 week exercise programme the women had better sleep habits, and showed more improvement in sleep (slept extra 46min). This shows that other factors such as physical exercise may have an impact on our sleep. Research suggests that there are also gender differences in insomnia. There are gender differences in the diagnosis in both primary and secondary insomnia, more women tend to suffer from insomnia than men. Morin et al. suggest that this may be due to a higher level of neuroticism and anxiety in women than men.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Star Wars and the Heros Journey Essay Example For Students
Star Wars and the Heros Journey Essay Todd Hansen Ms. Nicholson English 263 Block 4-B September 30, 2009 Star Wars and the Heros Journey In Star Wars: A New Hope created by George Lucas, the elements Of the movie are very similar to those of Joseph Campbell The Hero With A Thousand Faces or The heros journey. This paper Will describe how Lacunas picture meets the elements departure, initiation, and return. Campbell describes all these elements in his book The motivation for many of the themes and characters in that of Star Wars. The point in a persons life when they are first given notice that everything is ongoing to change, whether they know or not, (Campbell), This is how Joseph Campbell describes The Call to Adventure, the first step of departure. The movie that is Star Wars uses the element of departure through Luke Jaywalker, the hero. When Lakes aunt and uncle were killed by Imperial Army This is when he is called to help the rebellion fight back. We will write a custom essay on Star Wars and the Heros Journey specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This is Lakes Call to Adventure, which begins his departure as the hero on his journey. The Initiation. According to Campbell the Initiation is a series of tests, tasks, or ordeals that the person must undergo to begin the transformation, (Campbell). In the case of George Lacunas Star Wars: A New Hope, the person, Luke Jaywalker, goes through 2 difficult tests. As the first test to Lakes initiation, he has to try to use the force by defending himself with his light saber while Hobnailed. He succeeds this test after a couple of tries, passing his first test. Towards the end of the film, Luke is past the challenge of destroying the death star, which he also passes with flying colors. These two challenges helped Jaywalker pass his initiation towards saving the universe. The last element of the heros journey is the return. After destroying the death Star, Luke flies back to base and is greeted by everyone. Later in the movie, he receives a medal for his courageous acts. This symbolizes Lakes return But he is not returning from his journey, he is retuning to his journey. The Elements of Jason Campbell aha heros Journey are very related to that of George Lacunas Star Wars: A New Hope. Luke Jaywalkers journey forces him to make decision, face challenges, and be the best he can be. Along the way Luck ©s actions fit that of the elements of the heros journey, departure, initiation, and the return of the hero.
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